Thursday, May 24, 2012

Topographic Map


Topographic maps show large-scale detail and quantitative representation of relief. They are representations of a three-dimensional space on a flat piece of paper. Contour lines are often utilized to show the variation in the relief of the land. Topographic maps show how the land bends and folds, resulting in differing altitudes. Topography is a broad study, not limited to relief. Topographic maps take into account all natural and man-made features of terrain.

This particular map is a topographical map with shaded relief to see how the contours represent elevation. Through these contour lines, landforms can be identified. Altitudes of certain contours can be identified, allowing for calculation of the slope too. This qualifies as a topographical map due to its large scale detail and quantitative representation of relief. The contour lines make it hard to mislabel as any other type of map.